VHC Drivers


By default every check prints a log message to STDOUT. E.g. for a passed test:

Running exposure time validation test on

and for a failed test:

20190425T215026.6_032RU_zro.fits failed exptime check, EXPTIME == 0
for a non-bias observation!

If the tests are run with the -j flag, additionally a dicitionary in JSON format is printed to STDOUT as well. To make parsing easier, every line of the JSON output is prefixed with +++VHCJSON+++ e.g. for a failed test:

+++VHCJSON+++ {"filename": "20190425T215026.6_032RU_zro.fits",
"testname": "exposure time validation",
"checks":[{"subtestname":"nonzro_exptime", "expected":"0.001",
"tolerance":0, "actual":"5.5467e-05", "result":"FAILED"}],
"result":"FAILED", "error": "failed exptime check, EXPTIME == 0 for
a non-bias observation!"}

The keys of the dictionary are:

The name of the checked file
The name of the test run
A list of all run subtests
The name of the run subtest
Expected result of the subtest
Allowed tolerance for the subtest
The actually measured value
The result of the subtest, one of PASSED, FAILED or NOTRUN
An error message explaining the reason why the test failed.

General checks

Reference file: dettemp.txt

The default values for the common detector temperature check are stored in the dettemp.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of specid, channel and amplifier, it specifies these columns:

max_dettemp Maxiumum detector temperature
delta_setppoint Maximum difference between the commanded temperature and the measured detector temperature

Reference file: nullpixel.txt

The default values for the common nullpixel check are stored in the nullpixel.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of specid, channel and amplifier, it specifies these columns:

n_null_pix Maximum number of null pixels

Reference file: saturation.txt

The default values for the common saturation check are stored in the saturation.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of specid, channel and amplifier, it specifies these columns:

saturation Saturation level
max_sat_pixels Maximum allowed number of pixels above the saturation level

Reference file: overscan.txt

The default values for the common overcan check are stored in the overscan.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of specid, channel and amplifier, it specifies these columns:

mean Expected mean bias value ignored if specified in the fits header keyword BIASTRGT)
stddev Expected standard deviation
max_dev_mean Maximum allowed deviation for the overscan mean
max_dev_stddev Maximum allowed deviation for the overscan stddev
line_stddev Maximum allowed sttdev for line overscan check

common:n_files - Correct number of files


Check the number of exposures and, for each exposure, the number of files.

Subtest: n_exp - Number of exposures

Checks that the number of exposure subdirectories found in the shot directory matches the number expected for the given recipe. The expected number is read from the n_exposures field under the recipe section in the config file. The format of the exposure directory names is defined by the exposure_dir field unter the common section in the config file. The test fails if not all exposure directories are found.

Expected value: Expected number of exposure directories

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Found number of exposure directories

Subtest: n_files_exp?? - Number of files per exposure

Checks that the number of files in one exposure subdirectory. This subtest is repeated for each exposure directory. The number of files is calculated from the number of active IFUs. The filenames have to match the filename regexp defined by the recipe. The test fails if not all expected files are found.

Expected value: Expected number of files in the exposure directory

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Found number of files in the exposure directory

common:n_pixels - Correct image size

Header Key: VHCNPIX

Check the image size to be correct.

Subtest: size_naxis1 - Size along NAXIS1

Checks that the number of pixels along NAXIS1 is 1064 pixels (2064 / 2 + 32 pixels overscan). The test fails if the number of pixels in the image does not match the expected number.

Expected value: 1064 pixels

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Number of pixels along NAXIS1

Subtest: size_naxis2 - Size along NAXIS2

Checks that the number of pixels along NAXIS2 is 1032 pixels (2064 / 2). The test fails if the number of pixels in the image does not match the expected number.

Expected value: 1032 pixels

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Number of pixels along NAXIS2

common:exptime - Correct exposure time

Header Key: VHCEXPTM

Check that the exposure time matches the recipe (zero for bias frames, non-zero otherwise).

Subtest: zro_exptime - Bias frame exposure time

This test is only run with the bias frame recipe. Checks that the exposure time of the image is zero seconds. The test fails if the exposure time is larger than 0.001 seconds.

Expected value: Exposure time smaller than 0.001 seconds.

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Recorded exposure time

Subtest: nonzro_exptime - Non Bias frame exposure time

This test is run for all non bias recipes. Checks that the exposure time of the image is not zero seconds. The test fails if the exposure time is smaller than 0.001 seconds.

Expected value: Exposure time larger than 0.001 seconds

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Recorded exposure time

common:check_overscan- Check overscan value

Header Key: VHCOVSCN

Check the mean and standard deviation of the overscan against expected values.

Subtest: overscan_mean - Mean overscan value

Compares the five sigma clipped mean of the of the overscan region (the size of the region is taken from the BIASSEC header keyword) against the expected mean value taken from the mean parameter of the overscan.txt reference file, or if present from the BIASTRGT header keyword. The test fails if the difference between the measured overscan mean and the expected value is larger then max_dev_mean times the expected value.

Expected value: Expected mean overscan value

Tolerance: Maximum fractional deviation from the expected mean

Actual value: Measured mean overscan value

Subtest: overscan_stddev - Overscan standard deviation

Compares the five sigma clipped standard deviaton of the overscan region against the expected standard deviation value taken from the stdddev parameter of the overscan.txt reference file. The test fails if the difference between the measured overscan standard deviation and the expected value is larger then max_dev_stddev times the expected value.

Expected value: Expected standard deviation of the overscan

Tolerance: Maximum fractional deviation from the expected stddev

Actual value: Measured standard deviation of the overscan

common:check_line_overscan - Overscan line features

Header Key: VHCOLSTD

Check the overscan for line structure in the files. Calculates the five sigma clipped mean of of each line of the overscan region, and checks the standard deviation of the resulting 1-D arry. The test fails if the the measured standard deviationand exceeds the value specified in the corresponding line_stddev column in the overscan.txt reference file.

Expected value: Maximum allowed standard deviation

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Measured standard deviation of 1-D line array

common:dettemp - Detector temperature checks

Header Key: VHCTEMP

Check the detector temperature.

Subtest: abs_dettemp - Detector temperature

Check that the detector does not exceed the expected temperature. The maximum allowed temperature is read from the max_dettemp column in the dettemp.txt reference file. The detector temperature is read from the DETTEMP header keyword. The test fails if the detector temperature exceeds the maximum allowed value.

Expected value: Maximum allowed detector temperature

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Detector temperature read from DETTEMP

Subtest: set_dettemp - Detector temperature

Check the difference between the detector temperature read from the DETTEMP header keyword and the temperature setpoint read from the SETPOINT header. The maximum allowed difference is read from the delta_setpoint column in the dettemp.txt reference file. The test fails if the difference exceeds the maximum allowed difference.

Expected value: Setpoint read from the SETPOINT header keyword

Tolerance: The maximum allowed difference

Actual value: Read detector temperature

common:headerkeys - Header keyword checks

Header Key: VHCHEAD

Checks presence of the following header keywords:

Integer keywords
Float keywords
String keywords

if IMAGETYP is sci, in addtition these keywords are checked:

Integer keywords
Float keywords
String keywords

If the keyword is missing, or unset, for this the test checks if the the integet value or float value is smaller than -999990, or the string value is 999999. The test fails if the keyword is missing or unset. Each keyword check is treated as an individual subtest.

Expected value: SET keyword

Tolerance: None

Actual value: SET if the keyword is present and set, UNSET otherwise.

common:bitstat - Check for stuck bits

Header Key: VHCBITS

Check for a controller error that causes stuck bits. The tests create a histogram of the distribution of ones and zeros over the whole image array.

Subtest: even_bits - Check for only even or odd bits populated

Check for a controller error that causes only even or odd bits to be populated. The test fails if the lowest bit is filled with only ones or zeroes.

Expected value: 0

Tolerance: None

Actual value: 1 if the test failed, 0 if the test succeeded.

Subtest: all_bits_one - Check for bits all one

Check for a controller error that causes bits to be all set to one. The test fails if the bits for values not around the image average are all set to one.

Expected value: 0

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Number of failed bits

Subtest: significant_bits - Check for a balanced least significant bit

Check for a controller error that causes the least significant bit is unbalanced. The test fails if less than one percent the least significant bit is filled with ones or zeroes.

Expected value: 0

Tolerance: None

Actual value: 1 if the test failed, 0 if the test succeeded.

common:nullpix - Check for null pixels

Header Key: VHCPIXEL

Check for an exceeding number of null pixels in the image. The maximum allowed number of null pixels is read from the n_null_pix column in the nullpixel.txt reference file. The test fails if the number of null pixels exceeds the maximum allowed value.

Expected value: Maximum allowed number of null pixels

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Actual number of null pixels

common:repeat - Check for the REPEAT keyword

Header Key: VHCREPT

Check if the REPEAT keyword is set in the header. This keyword flags an error condition, causing the same data being written to the image data section during following observations. The test fails if the REPEAT keyword is present and set to TRUE.

Expected value: FALSE

Tolerance: None

Actual value: The actual value of the REPEAT keyword.

common:saturation - Check for saturated pixels

Header Key: VHCSATUR

Check for an exceeding number of saturated pixels in the image. The value above which a pixel is considered saturated is read from the saturation column, The maximum allowed number of saturated pixels is read from the max_sat_pixels column in the nullpixel.txt reference file. The test fails if the number of saturated pixels exceeds the maximum allowed number.

Expected value: Maximum allowed number of saturated pixels

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Actual number of saturated pixels

Bias Frame Checks

Reference file: bias.txt

The default values for the bias frame checks are stored in the bias.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of specid, channel and amplifier, it specifies the columns:

mean Expected mean bias value ignored if specified in the fits header keyword BIASTRGT)
stddev Expected standard deviation
max_dev_mean Maximum allowed deviation for mean bias
max_dev_stddev Maximum allowed deviation for mean stddev
max_diff Maximum allowed deviation in mean flatness test
max_diff_rms Maximum allowed deviation in stddev flatness test
line_stddev Maximum allowed deviation in stddev for line check
max_fft_signal Maximum signal if fft check

bias:compare - Reference Bias

Header Key: VHCBCMP

Check the mean and the standard deviation of the bias frame against expected values.

Subtest: bias_average - Mean bias value

Compares the five sigma clipped mean of the bias frame against the expected mean value taken from the mean parameter in the bias.txt reference file, or if present from the BIASTRGT header keyword. The test fails if the difference between the measured bias mean and the expected value is larger then max_dev_mean times the expected value. Expected value: Expected mean bias value

Tolerance: Maximum fractional deviation from the expected mean

Actual value: Measured mean bias value

Subtest: bias_stddev - Bias standard deviation

Compares the five sigma clipped standard deviaton of the bias frame against the expected standard deviation value taken from the stdddev parameter in the bias.txt reference file. The test fails if the difference between the measured bias standard deviation and the expected value is larger then max_dev_stddev times the expected value.

Expected value: Expected standard deviation of the bias

Tolerance: Maximum fractional deviation from the expected stddev

Actual value: Measured bias standard deviation

bias:flat - Bias Flatness

Header Key: VHCBFLAT

Check the flatness of the bias frame by measuring mean and standard deviation in four different areas of the image:

  • [125:375,125:375]
  • [125:375,625:875]
  • [625:875,125:375]
  • [625:875,625:875]

Subtest: flat_bias_avg - Flatness of mean

Check the flatness of the bias mean by calculating the five sigma clipped mean of the bias in four separate areas. The test fails if the difference between the measured bias mean and the expected value differ by more than max_diff for any of the regions.

Expected value: Expected mean bias value

Tolerance: Maximum difference between expected and measured value

Actual value: Measured mean bias value and measured area.

Subtest: flat_ovsc_avg - Flatness of mean against overscan

Check the flatness of the bias mean against the overscan, by calculating the five sigma clipped mean of the bias in four separate areas. The test fails if the difference between the measured bias mean and the average of the overscan area is more than max_diff for any of the regions.

Expected value: Expected mean bias value

Tolerance: Maximum difference between overscan and measured value

Actual value: Measured mean bias value and measured area.

Subtest: flat-bias_stddev - Flatness of standard deviation

Check the flatness of the bias standard deviation by calculating the five sigma clipped standard deviation of the bias in four separate areas. The test fails if the difference between the measured bias mean and the expected value is larget than max_diff_rms times the expected value for any of the areas.

Expected value: Expected bias standard deviation

Tolerance: Maximum fractional difference from the expected stddev

Actual value: Measured bias stddev and measured area.

Subtest: flat_ovsc_stddev - Flatness of standard deviation against overscan

Check the flatness of the bias standard deviation against the standard deviation of the overscan, by calculating the five sigma clipped standard deviation of the bias in four separate areas. The test fails if the difference between the measured bias standard deviation and the standard deviation of the overscan area is more than max_diff_rms for any of the regions.

Expected value: Expected standard deviation of the bias

Tolerance: Maximum fractional difference between overscan and bias stddev

Actual value: Measured bias stddev and measured area.

bias:linestddev - Bias line features

Header Key: VHCBLSTD

Check the bias for line structure in the files. Calculates the five sigma clipped mean of of each line of the bias frame, and checks the standard deviation of the resulting 1-D arry. The test fails if the the measured standard deviationand exceeds the value specified in the corresponding line_stddev column.

Expected value: Maximum allowed standard deviation

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Measured standard deviation of 1-D line array

bias:fft - Bias wave features

Header Key: VHCWAVE

Test for wave like structures in the bias frame, by checking for a signal in a line based fast fourier transformation. The fourier transformation is calculated for 100 lines separated by 10 lines starting at line one. For each of these lines it calculates the fourier transformation, trims and normalizes the signal array, and keeps the maximum signal. The test fails if the three sigma clipped mean of the maximum signals exceeds the value specified in the corresponding max_fft_signal column.

Expected value: Maximum allowed fft signal

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Measured fft signal

Arc Frame checks

Reference file: arcs.txt

The default values for the arc frame checks are stored in the arcs.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of specid, channel and amplifier, it specifies these columns:

linefile Filename of file with arc line positions
peakshift Maximum allowed shift of the lines in wl direction
start_y Starting row in y direction for search

arc:find_peaks - Number of peaks

Header key: VHCPEAKS

Check for the arc lines. The test checks, that the arc lines are found in the positions specified in linefile. These positions are allowed to shift by a maximum of peakshift pixels with respect to the nominal position. All arc lines must be shifted by the same amount. The search for the lines will start at start_y in the y direction of the image. The test fails if not all lines are found.

Expected value: Number of lines in linefile

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Number of lines found a the specified positions

Flat Frame checks

Reference file: n_fibers.txt

The default values for the number of fibers flat frame check are stored in the n_fibers.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of ifu bundle id, channel and amplifier, it specifies these columns:

n_fibers Expected number of fibers
tolerance Maximum allowed deviation from expected number of fibers

Reference file: min_flux.txt

The default values for the minimum flux flat frame check are stored in the min_flux.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of ifu bundle id, channel and amplifier, it specifies these columns:

min_flux Minimum allowed flux in the flat spectrum

flat:n_fibers - Number of fibers

Header key: VHCNFIB

Check for the correct number of fibers in the image. The expected number of fibers and the tolerance are read from the n_fibers and tolerance colums in the n_fibers.txt reference file. To find the fibers it collapses the central 40 pixels, and tries to find the first fiber by fitting a Gaussian to a moving window, till the gaussian matches. Once the first fiber is found, it moves the search box down in steps equal to the fiber separation. If a fiber is missing, it starts seach again with the moving search box. The test fails if the number of missing fibers exceeds the tolerance limit.

Expected value: Number of fibers

Tolerance: Allowed tolerance

Actual value: Actual number of fibers found

flat:min_flux - Minimum flux in fibers

Header key: VHCMFLUX

Check that the flux in all fibers is above the required minimum flux, Searches for the fiber traces in the images and for each found spectrum checks that the flux at the positions in x 100, 300, 512, 724, 924 is above the flux read from the min_flux column in the min_flux.txt reference file. The expected number of fibers and the tolerance are read from the n_fibers and tolerance colums in the n_fibers.txt reference file. The test fails, if too few fibers are found with flux above the expected minimum.

Each x position is treated as a separate subtest

Expected value: Expected number of fibers minus tolerance

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Actual number of fibers with sufficient flux found

Science Frame checks

Reference file: row_cte.txt

The default values for the row shift cte science frame check stored in the row_cte.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of ifu bundle id, channel and amplifier, it specifies these columns:

n_hist Histogram cutoff value

Reference file: sky_level.txt

The default values for the minimum sky level science frame check are stored in the min_flux.txt reference file in the reference_files directory of the vhc_settings repository. For any combination of ifu bundle id, channel and amplifier, it specifies these columns:

sky_level Minimum expected counts above median of overscan

hetdex_dithers:n_dithers - Number of dithered exposures

Header key: VHCNDITH

Check the number of dithers for a shot.

Subtest: n_dither_nexp - Correct number of exposure directories

Check for the correct number of exposure directories for a dithered hedex operation. The expected number is taken from the n_exposures option of the hetdex_dithers recipe and compared with the number of exposure directories found. The pattern for the exposure directory is taken from the exposure_dir option in the [common] section. The test fails if a wrong number of exposure subdirectories is found.

Expected value: Expected number of exposure directories

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Found number of exposure directories

Subtest: n_dithers_keyword - Correct dither keywords

Check that all files in each exposure directory have the same value set for the DITHER keyword. The test fails if not all files in each exposure directory have the same value set for the DITHER keyword.

Expected value: Expected number of exposure directories

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Number of dither keys found

Subtest: n_dithers_probe - Correct number dither keywords

Check that the values found in the DITHER keywords match the dithering strategy. If dithering is performed using the dithering mechanism, there must be in total as many values of DITHER as there are exposure directories, otherwise the values of DITHER must be the same across all the exposures. The dither_with_probe option of the [hetdex_dithers] configuration section instructs the driver whether the dithering is done offsetting the fiducial position in the drive probes (true) or using the dithering mechanism (false). The test fails if the values of the DITHER keywords do not match the dithering strategy.

Expected value: Expected number of ditherent DITHER keys

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Number of dither keys found

hetdex_dithers:row_cte - Check for row shift CTE problems

Header key: VHCRSCTE

Check the problems with the charge transfer efficienct (CTE) during the row shift during readout. This issue causes charges to be smeared along the readout direction. This causes cosmics to be elongated along the row shift direction. To find these issues, yoda is run to detect cosmics in the image. Then it creates a histogram of the position angles of the detected sources. The test fails if the count of the 90 degree bins of the position angle histogram exceed n_hist times the mean of the remaining histogram. The n_hist value is read from the row_cte.txt reference file. If yoda is not found, the driver is marked as NOTRUN.

Expected value: Average position angle

Tolerance: Standard deviation of the histogram

Actual value: Number of detections in the 90 degree bin of the histogram

hetdex_dithers:col_cte - Check for column shift CTE problems

Header key: VHCCSCTE

Check the problems with the charge transfer efficienct (CTE) during the column shift during readout. This issue causes charges to be smeared along the column readout direction. This causes charges from the image region to be dragged over into the overscan region leading to a drop off at the beginning of the overscan region. To find these issues, each line of the two columns of the overscan region closest to the image region are averaged. Every line of last 20 columns of the image region is averaged, and the five sigma clipped mean of the remaining overscan region calculated. If less than 50 lines of the cte region of the overscan have sufficient flux (more than the mean of the overscan plus half the standard deviation of the overscan) the check is aborted and marked as NOTRUN. The test fails if the flux in the lines in the cte region is closer to the flux in the image region than the overscan region.

Expected value: Average difference between overscan and cte region

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Average difference between image and cte region

hetdex_dithers:sky_level - Check for sufficiont level

Header key: VHCSKYLV

Check for sufficient sky level in the indivdual spectra. It collapses the central 40 pixels, calculates the five sigma clipped mean of this region, and subtracts the mean overscan. The test fails if the resulting sky level is below the expected sky level read from the sky_level column in the sky_level,txt reference file.

Expected value: Expected sky level

Tolerance: None

Actual value: Measured sky level region