exceptions – Custom exceptions

Module containing the definitions off all the VHC custom exceptions

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base exception for VHC: all vhc specific errors should be derived from this one

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCPathError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCError

Raised if the path provided to vhc is not a valid shot

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCRecipeError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCError

Something when retrieving a recipe from the file names

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCValueError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCError, ValueError

Format error in the module-function names

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCTypeError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCError, TypeError

Format error in the module-function names

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCFactoryKeyError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCError, KeyError

Errors when formatting the command in the vhc factories

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCReferenceKeyError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCError, KeyError

Error raised when the reference file parser fails to get a value

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCLoaderError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCError

Base class for errors raised in the libvhc.loaders module

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCAttributeError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCLoaderError, AttributeError

VHC specific attribute error exception

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCImportError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCLoaderError, ImportError

VHC specific import error exception

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCHeaderTypeError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCError, TypeError

Error raised when the input type of libvhc.utils.get_value() is wrong

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCQueueError[source]

Bases: Exception

Custom errors related with the queues used for communication

exception libvhc.exceptions.VHCQueueItemError[source]

Bases: libvhc.exceptions.VHCQueueError, TypeError

The type of object inserted in the queue is wrong