loggers – Set up the logging system

Set up the VHC logging system.

Two file handler are created:

  • log.txt: logs everything with level above LOWER_LEVEL
  • v_results.txt: logs everything with level above ERORR_LEVEL. This is intended only to notify about failed tests

The two handler are then added to the logger and a logging.LoggerAdapter instance is created passing it an empty VCheck instance, to avoid having to pass it to every logger call. The logging.LoggerAdapter instance is then saved using similar name conventions as for logging.Logger

The correct way to use it is to use the logger is:

  • initialise the logger with set_logger()
  • update the LoggerAdapter for before calling every driver function with update_logger()
  • where needed retrieve the “adapted” logger with getLogger() and log the message and with a normal logger.
  • alternatively you can get the standard logger and then log a message adding the keyword option extra


>>> import os
>>> from libvhc import loggers
>>> from libvhc import VCheck
>>> # set up the logger
>>> # in the example as in the code, the name of the logger is set
>>> # to the ``path``.
>>> path = "tests/data/doctest"
>>> loggers.set_logger(path, os.path.join(path, loggers.LOG_FILE.format(0)),
...                    os.path.join(path, loggers.RESULT_FILE.format(0)))
>>> recipe = "flat"
>>> checks = ['flat:check1', 'flat:check2']
>>> # do the actual work
>>> log = loggers.getLogger(path)
>>> def check(vcheck, path, args):
...     # do the check
...     log.info("all fine")
...     log.error("are you sure?")
>>> with loggers.logger_context(path):
...     for c in checks:
...        vcheck = VCheck(recipe, c)
...        loggers.update_logger(vcheck, path)
...        check(vcheck, path, [])
libvhc.loggers.LOWER_LEVEL = 20

lower logging level: INFO

libvhc.loggers.ERORR_LEVEL = 40

error logging level: ERROR

libvhc.loggers.JSON_KEY = '+++VHCJSON+++ '

Log message key to filter o

libvhc.loggers.LOG_FILE = 'log_{}.txt'

Template for the log file name

libvhc.loggers.RESULT_FILE = 'v_results_{}.txt'

Template for the result file name

libvhc.loggers.JSON_FILE = 'v_json_{}.txt'

Template for the json file name

class libvhc.loggers.JSONFilter(print_json)[source]
filter(self, record)[source]

Determine if the specified record is to be logged.

Is the specified record to be logged? Returns 0 for no, nonzero for yes. If deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place.

class libvhc.loggers.JSONFormatter(print_json, *args, **kwargs)[source]
format(self, record)[source]

Format the specified record as text.

The record’s attribute dictionary is used as the operand to a string formatting operation which yields the returned string. Before formatting the dictionary, a couple of preparatory steps are carried out. The message attribute of the record is computed using LogRecord.getMessage(). If the formatting string uses the time (as determined by a call to usesTime(), formatTime() is called to format the event time. If there is exception information, it is formatted using formatException() and appended to the message.


Return the name to use (privately) with the module (private) dictionaries.

Use the return string of this function instead of the name itself in parts that have interaction with child processes, to allow for future modifications.

name : string


libvhc.loggers.set_logger(name, logfile, result_file, json_file, vcheck=VCheck('', ''))[source]

Create and add the logging handlers to the logger name. Save a LoggerAdapter created with the given VCheck instance.

name : string

name of the logger

logfile, result_file : string

name of the log and the result files

json_file : string

name of the optional json output file. If empty, do not create a json log file

vcheck : instance of VCheck, optional

store the recipe name and the check currently executing

libvhc.loggers.update_logger(vcheck, name)[source]

Update the VCheck entry of the LoggerAdapter named name

vcheck : instance of VCheck

store the recipe name and the check currently executing

name : string

name of the logger


if the logger called name has not been created using set_logger()

libvhc.loggers.getLogger(name, adapter=True)[source]

Returns the logger named name.

name : string

name of the logger

adapter : bool, optional

get the adapted logger, instead of the original one

logging.LoggerAdapter or logging.Logger instance

if the name logger is not found


Return the queue listener

name : string

name of the logger


can be used once in a with


if the name listener is not found


Returns the queue saved under the name.

If it does not exist, create it first

path : string

path of the two above files

queue-like instance

Yield the listener and the queue associated with name from within a with statement

name : string

name of the listener and the queue

queue-like instance
libvhc.loggers.init_logger_adapt(name, queue_, level=20, extras=VCheck('', ''))[source]

Initialise the logger and save the adapter passing extras to it

name : string

name of the logger

queue_ : queue-like instance
level : int, optional

minimum logging level

extras : dict-like instance

extras for the logging.LoggerAdapter


Remove the queue, the listener and reset the logger to pristine situation.

name : string

name of the queue and logger

libvhc.loggers._init_logger(name, queue_, level=20)[source]

Initialise the logger, using the QueueHandler

name : string

name of the logger

queue_ : queue-like instance
level : int, optional

minimum logging level

logger : logging.Logger
libvhc.loggers._make_file_handler(fname, level, fmt, filter_=None)[source]

Create the file handler

fname : string

name of the file where the logging happens

level : int

level of the handler

fmt : string or logging.Formatter

formatting of the handler

filter_ : logging.Filter

filter to apply to the handler

fhandler : instance of logging.FileHandler

configured handler